
Island Images Professional Photography Studios Helps Local Nonprofits

Island Images Professional Photography Studio in Vero Beach is introducing a photography workshop for new mothers and mothers-to-be called “How to Photograph Your Baby at Home.”  This workshop will offer tips and hands-on experience on how to take outstanding photographs of young babies in your own home.   

A portion of the participants fee for every workshop will be given to Healthy Start and CASTLE charities benefitting women and children.  In addition to photography workshops, Island Images photographers Scott Kelly and Jennifer Croom create unique maternity, baby, children and family portraits.  

To view a sample of Island Images Photography, please visit the website:

Carson’s Fashion Photo Shoot

After meeting Carson for the first time, Scott knew that this children’s photo session was going to be unique.  Carson was wearing an outfit of her own design…mismatched socks, a long layered skirt, t-shirt and head band with long satin ribbons on the side.  As her mother, I felt the need to explain that Carson has her own fashion taste, and that I usually just let her roll with it.  Scott loved it and knew exactly how and where he wanted her photo shoot to take place!   He said he wanted to capture her personality in the photographs so that I would have a perfect candid picture of Carson just as she was at six years old. 
Image copyright J. Scott Kelly

After our consultation, we decided to let Carson pick out some of her favorite outfits and accessories and that we would do a candid model shoot in front of the artfully painted wall of the antique market in downtown Vero Beach.

The day of the shoot, Scott chose two of Carson’s outfits that would coordinate perfectly with our scenery.  Then he got to work!  He encouraged Carson to be herself and she had a blast modeling for the camera.  (It is hard to tell who was having more fun during the session, Scott or Carson).  

Image copyright J. Scott Kelly

Scott captured so many of Carson’s expressions that I had a hard time choosing a favorite.  Let us know which one you like the best! 

To view more children's photography, visit:

Kim’s Maternity Photography Sessions

Kim was a great sport to get up so early for her sunrise beach maternity photo session.   The beach was the first of her two sessions… one artistic session near South Beach in Vero and one more traditional studio photography session.  Kim’s silhouette photo with the sun rising up in the background brings a fresh look to maternity photography.

Image copyright J. Scott Kelly

I love the tenderness of the studio photograph of Kim’s adorable belly with her son resting against her.  What a great little model he was for his mom!  I can already tell he is going to be a fantastic big brother.

Too learn more about our maternity photography, please visit:

Joann’s Maternity Portrait Session

Joann is one of the most beautiful pregnant women I have ever seen.  Not only does she have natural beauty, she also has that special glow of a mother-to-be.  Joann expressed that she wanted to include her husband, Tony and her children in the portrait session.  She shared her feelings that the arrival of this baby was going to be an entire family event, so she wanted to make sure all of the family would be photographed.

Image copyright J. Scott Kelly

Scott worked with Joann and Tony to make sure both of their personal styles were included.  Joann prefers a more timeless look, while Tony has a bit of a contemporary palate.

To offer an even more creative look, we have artistically retouched Joann’s portrait with some texturing.  Now it is not only a treasured memory, but also is a beautiful piece of art.

To view more of Scott's maternity photographs, please visit:

Annabella’s Beach Photography Session

Annabella is a spirited three-year old who simply wanted to play chase with her mom during her Island Kids beach photo session.  Just when I was beginning to wonder how Scott was going to get her to cooperate, he found a great little makeshift bench at Vero’s Humiston Beach that Anabella fell in love with.  Anabella thought it was a great idea to get up on the bench and suddenly we had a magical moment to photograph!

Image copyright J.Scott Kelly

Many of my favorite photos of Annabella are the candid photographs of her just playing and being a kid.  I loved watching her fascination with the pelicans diving into the ocean and the crabs running across the beach.  

For more information on Island Kids Photo Sessions, please visit:


Savannah’s Model Portfolio Shoot

Savannah was such a standout at the “Strike a Pose for Charity” Photography Contest, that she won first place in her age division and a free photo session with Scott. Savannah is just getting started in modeling, so she was thrilled to test her skills with a professional photographer with over 25 years of experience in fashion, children and family photography.

Image copyright J. Scott Kelly

Scott met with Savannah and her grandmother at their house and they decided to do a session portraying a teenage girl and her many moods. Wow was Savannah great! Her expression, creativity and comfort in front of the camera were phenomenal. AND you can tell just how much fun everyone had during the shoot.

Image copyright J. Scott Kelly

Savannah and her grandmother just loved all of the images that Scott captured. They spent two hours trying to choose the best one. I think they couldn’t go wrong with any of them. Great job, Savannah!

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